29th May 2019
29th May 2019
Aggregates was curated by Nora-Swantje Almes and Camille Schmid. It was a performance trilogy that aimed to fuse queer-feminist strategies and marginalised narratives with the pressing concern of environmental ecology, while exploring shape-shifting qualities.
On 29 May, Sarina Scheidegger and Jimena Croceri performed Nosotrxs, Cuerpos de Agua (Part II). They explored the fluid conditions which are inherent in our bodies, the sea, the waves and glaciers.
Through a variety of sound, movements, texts and objects, they engendered a sense of physical interconnectedness with their surroundings. Enacted through repetition, the performance demonstrated the potentiality of intersections across difference and connectedness, between closeness and distance, and between inside and outside.
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© Sarina Scheidegger and Jimena Croceri