Mai-Thu Perret_Cellular World_Glasgow International 2018
20th April 2018
7th October 2018
Mai-Thu Perret produced a new work which was exhibited as part of the group show Cellular World: Cyborg-Human-Avatar-Horror at the Glasgow International 2018. The show explored questions of identity as well as individual and collective consciousness at a time of prolific social change and uncertainty – a time when the borders between reality and science fiction seem to dissolve. Her piece in the show was a life-size mannequin-like reclining figure made from a mix of materials such as papier-mâché, wicker, ceramic, silicone and metal. Similar material assemblages can be traced through her work and form a consistent trope within her oeuvre that reflects her interest in an eclectic concoction of fact and fiction, avant-garde aesthetics and radical feminist politics.
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Photo: Mai-Thu Perret