23rd November 2019
23rd February 2020
Tackling issues from climate change to food shortage, species extinction and resource depletion, Eco-Visionaries brought together artists, designers and architects from across the globe who are confronting these environmental issues through their practice. The exhibition presented innovative works that reconsider the relationship between humans and nature and offer alternative visions for the future.
Through his work ‘Our Prehistoric Fate’, Basel-based artist Basim Magdy explores our uncertainties about a human-centred future, linking the fear of a nuclear attack with the fate of species driven to extinction by human actions.
Swiss architect Philippe Rahm presented material from ‘The Meteorological Garden, designs for a space in Taichung’, Taiwan, which reduces the subtropical warm and humid climates of the city. The designs for the park demonstrate an engagement with environmental issues and the use of technology to stabilise the performance of open spaces, making comparisons between the use of trees and machinery to regulate polluted ecosystems.
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Illustration: Philippe Rahm architectes, The Meteorological Garden / Central Park, Taichung, Taiwan, 2011 – 2019. In collaboration with mosbach paysagistes, Ricky Liu & Associates. Photograph courtesy of Philippe Rahm architectes.